Elijah’s Interview

Hi world today for blog I will be interviewing my friend Elijah. I decided to this because I can’t really think of any good topics.

Q: What is your favourite color?

A: Lime green and Red but he doesn’t like them together, but he likes it in Christmas

Q: What animal are you?

A: Hang on I have to think… I am, I have to think. I have to think, Im a falcon thats what I am

Q: What is your favourite sports?

A:  Hockey

Q: Do you think a hot dog is a sandwich?

A: A hot dog is not a sandwich, its a taco because there bread are in both side and the meat is in the middle.

Q: Would you rather be super strong or super fast

A: I would be super fast so that if I’m playing sports then I would be very strong laugh at the end

Q: If you have 1 million dollars what would you do with it.

A: I would buy use less things, no jk, jk, jk. I would buy a house and a car and spend the rest to my family.

Q: If you could have anything in the world what would it be.

A: To be a NHL player

Q: If a girl came up to you and give you a kiss what would be your reaction

A: It depends who it is but I don’t like anybody, but I probably just say ok and walk away hahahhaha.

Q: What embarrasses you the most and/or what’s been your most embarrassing moment

A: I don’t want to share it, actually one time in  squirts hockey I was on a breakaway and there was no goalie so I shot the puck and celebrated but the puck hit the post and didn’t go in

Q; What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

A; When I was 2 I got the flu shot and I got Kawasaki’s disease which is very deadly and only 2-3 Manitobans get it each year but luckily I survived

Well anyway that’s the end of my blog I hope you guys enjoy reading my bog and see you next week Bye!!!





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