Rocket League

Hi class today for my blog I will be talking Rocket League

Rocket League

Rocket League is a game that you can played on ps4 even Xbox. Rocket league is fun because you can play with your other friends and its a cross play. Rocket league is a  a vehicular soccer video game. In rocket league you pick what you want to play like solo, duos, creative, and competitive. There is sometimes have events that you can play.

How to play it? To play it all you need to do is ready up and when your in the loading screen the game is going to pick a randomize map. When your in the game there is a ball in the middle and you have to hit it. There is 5 mins to play so who ever get the most goal wins.

In lobby? What you can do in lobby is you can go to your garage and select your own car. Wait there is more, the fun thing to do with your car is to customized it. When you customized your own car, you can pick what paint color you want, the flag and more. In rocket league you can even two players with your brother or  your friends. That’s why rocket league is fun.




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