What is History

history is narrative

history is a lesson too, history can be real or unreal.

history is a some old stuff like what is happening from the past. History is a study of life in society from the past. History is the study of people, actions, decisions, interactions and behaviors.

history is a language that’s people use from the past. history is a knowledge and involve s of its record or sources of information. history is of preserving memory. history can be so different from the present.

“History is the study of the human past as it is described in written documents left behind by humans.”


history has lots of several meaning. it can mean everything happened from the past.

History also includes the academic discipline which uses narrative to describe, examine , question, and analyze a sequence of past events, investigate the patterns of cause and effect that are related to them.


history is a events, what happened in the past and its a narrative

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